Inga Siradeghyan
Software Position: GIS Specialist and Database Developer
Email: inga@wireless2020.com
Phone: +1 408-884-1561

Inga Siradeghyan is a GIS Specialist and Database Developer in the Wireless 20|20 software development team. Inga Siradeghyan is a Geospatial Analyst and Database Developer with experience in location data analysis, fiber network mapping, and geospatial analysis of large datasets. In this role, Inga works with the Wireless 20|20 software development team to continuously enhance the functionality of the WiROI™ db SQL database, support clients, and add new features and functions.

Inga graduated from Yerevan State University with a Master’s Degree in Cartography and Cadaster Work in 2020. She has about 5 years of experience working in the environmental field. Inga Siradeghyan has completed an internship in the USAID program "Use of Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development" - Data Analysis, Mapping in ArcGIS Environment, organizing data in MS Excel and MS Access environments, analyzing time series of hydrological and meteorological data, organizing tabular data used as input in hydrological and climate change models, organizing spatial data in ArcGIS environment and mapping.

For her Master's Degree, her thesis was about modeling and assessing the degree of danger of avalanches. She has used innovative approaches in the ArcGIS / GIS environment through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for modeling and assessing the snow-covered areas of the Zangezur mountain range in the Syunik region of the Republic of Armenia.

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