Rita Bakkalian
Software Position: GIS Data Analyst
Email: rita@wireless2020.com
Phone: +1 408-884-1561

Rita completed her BS in Computer Science at Haigazian University and is currently pursuing a Graduate Degree in Computer and Information Science at the American University of Armenia.

Rita is a GIS Data Analyst on the Wireless 20|20 software development team. Rita generates interactive data visualization tools specific to the telecommunications industry such as broadband coverage maps of fiber and cable companies. She works with broadband operator clients that rely on the Wireless 20/20 WiROI™ db 2.0 database and mapping tools to identify the best places to build networks and prepare grant applications.

As a part of the Wireless 20|20 software development team Rita leads and assists with several WiROI db SQL database projects, including Grid Analysis, Aerial vs. Underground Determination, Steiner Network Optimization, and Fiber Analysis.

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