Levon Papikyan
Software Position: Data Analyst & Python Programmer
Email: levon@wireless2020.com
Phone: +1 408-884-1561

Levon Papikyan is a second year Bachelor's Degree student in Data Science and Applied Mathematics with experience in Machine Learning and Geo Data Analysis. He joined the Wireless 20|20 software development team as a Data Analyst and Python Programmer, working on various projects.

Levon is proficient in using Python libraries such as Pandas, GeoPandas, Numpy, Tensorflow, and others. He has a strong foundation in calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and discrete mathematics, and is skilled at applying mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems. Levon has also practiced GIS concepts, including the use of PYQGIS and QGIS plugins.

At Wireless 20|20, Levon has conducted fiber and fixed wireless analysis and developed QGIS plugins and Python standalone projects. Levon works with the Wireless 20|20 software development team to continuously enhance the functionality of the WiROI™ db SQL database and add new features and functions. He uses PyQGIS algorithms for the automation of geospatial data processing functions and has Python libraries such as Geopandas, Pandas, Folium, and PyQGIS to perform geospatial data analysis, visualization, and mapping.

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